Sunday, June 23, 2013

Yoga for Fertility and Conception

I have been receiving a lot of queries regarding Fertility and Conception and how Yoga Therapy can help in this issue. 
There seems to be  widespread  symptoms among lots of women who want to conceive and are finding it challenging in lots of ways, physically, emotionally and mentally.
I have been researching the information which my teachers have written and I refer to this information when I am teaching an Infertility - Conception Therapy class. 
This below article is written by Jaki Nett, who's a certified Iyengar Yoga instructor in California. She teaches Therapy classes for Infertility / Conception. I read her articles and I derive inspiration and knowledge from her expertise.
I hope my readers will also see clarity and a sense of hope, if they or any loved ones are facing similar issues in their journey of Life.
Do forward this post to anyone who's suffering at this critical juncture and maybe it can guide them to including Yoga as a friend in this path.

Which type of yoga class has the best possible benefits to aid fertility and conception?

Jaki Nett's reply:
The type of yoga class that I recommend to aid fertility and conception is a restorative class—a class where the body, mind, and spirit learn the art of relaxation.

 A woman's desire to conceive can be overpowering and can drive her to the point of obsession. If this happens, sometimes logic is overlooked and stress becomes the foundation for living life.
Since it is the woman's body and mind that has to be healthy and free of stress, it is her responsibility—with the unwavering support of her partner—to create the most favorable conditions for conception.

To start the process both partners should have a comprehensive physical and psychological examination to determine that they are both without physical and mental conditions that could block conception.

To further alleviate stress about trying to conceive, start mapping your cycle of fertility. When entering a fertile time, start practicing restorative poses. As you practice, soften the abdominal area and begin to consciously remove tension from around the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.

My teacher, Geeta S. Iyengar, author of Yoga: a Gem for Women, writes extensively on women's issues. She stresses the importance of practicing several asanas to aid in conception.Salamba Sirsasana (Supported Headstand), Salamba Sarvangasana (Supported Shoulderstand), and Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Supported Bridge Pose) are recommended because of their hypothesized effects on hormonal balance.

She also recommends the following poses:
Forward bends—To make the poses more restorative, place a chair in front of you and rest your head and arms on the seat for support, or use a bolster for support.
Reclining Poses—These poses are helpful because they open and elongate the abdominal area.
I also recommend Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose). Set up for Viparita Karani. As you move into and out of the pose, keep the abdominal area soft-your partner can assist you to make this possible. The amount of time you spend in Viparita Karani is up to you.

To set up for Viparita Karani: Fold a sticky mat into quarters and place it two inches from the wall. Place a round bolster or a firm folded blanket on top of the sticky mat with the back edge of the bolster or blanket in line with the back edge of the mat. Place the buttocks on top of the bolster with the sitting bones as close to the wall as possible and the legs up the wall. The shoulders, arms, and head rest on the floor. Once in the correct pelvic position, allow the legs to soften and bend the knees to allow the abdominal and pelvic floor to relax.
As I always emphasize, I would want the person to seek guidance before starting practice. This article is only an indicator of postures which might help with Infertility.
Hopefully, this can shed light, one person at a time.

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