Friday, August 15, 2014

Part 2 - Viniyoga System

This is the 2nd post about Viniyoga system of teaching.
After Sri.T. Krishnamacharya's demise, his son, Sri.TKV Desikachar has been teaching the Viniyoga System in Chennai, India.

The Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram is a premier institute that offers classes, therapy and teachers training for people from across the globe.
Viniyoga combines Asana, Pranayama, Meditation and Chanting to achieve healing and health on all the different layers of one's existence.
This system analyses each individual's particular needs and then tailors the class according to that.
Usually, the class size is small, as the Teacher pays attention to each person present in class.

The main differences between Viniyoga and other forms of Yoga;

1. The Function of the Asana is considered more important than the Form :
So, if an individual is not able to do a perfect Forward Bend, then the Asana is modified to help that individual achieve their perfect Expression of the Asana.
Importance is paid to the Breathing and Alignment in every pose.

2. The Asanas are held for a couple of breaths and repeated, if required :
Every pose is held, according to the individual's capacity.
As the muscles become stronger and the breathing is well-established, more complicated Asanas are added. Some postures are repeated to develop better focus and concentration.

3. The Breath is emphasized in every posture :
As the asanas are practiced, there is always an emphasis on joining the breath to the posture.
The breathing pattern gives the individual an idea about the effort needed to maintain the pose.

4. In every class, there is a combination of different Asanas and Pranayama exercises to enable the students to experience a complete mind-body connection and work towards wholeness. 

In Guruji's words:
“The success of Yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships.” 

Let's ride the Breath together,

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