Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Preventing Osteoporosis - Using Yoga Movements and Mindful Breathing

I have been hearing about Arthritis and Osteoporosis recently, so I wanted to research on this topic and blog about it. We need to understand our Bone Structure, what our bones are made up of and how to keep them strong and supple as we grow older.

It's definitely a lifetime of choices which lead to structural problems between the joints, ligaments and the surrounding bones.
In a healthy joint, a well-lubricated lining of cartilage tissue covers the ends of bones, allowing them to slide smoothly over each other. The painful rubbing of bone on bone that occurs when the cartilage breaks down is often the result of misalignment which would have been happening for years. These misalignment's could be because of holding in some muscles, not using other muscles effectively, wrong postural movements over the years and weak muscle strength.

Yogis like to say the 'everything is connected' - and this concept is really obvious in the anatomy of the body.
The hip-bone really is connected to the thigh-bone, which is connected to the knee joint, which in turn depends on the ankle-joint , so its good to understand these connections a little deeper, so we know when we move the hip joint, we are moving the entire leg, every muscle, every ligament, every nerve within. This can help us to become aware of our habitual posture, habitual way of standing or sitting, the muscles which we are using or misusing - this is knowledge of our own selves, which will lead to greater health and pain-free living!!

Therapeutic Yoga is particularly effective in minimizing and preventing the loss of cartilage that causes joint pain. It helps to create greater ease of movement and decrease pain in those joints which have sustained damage.
A good Asana practice can help correct poor posture which can cause knee problems and degeneration of the vertebral joints in the lower spine.

For example, if you normally stand with the shoulders slumped, and the head straining forward to see the computer screen - you are putting excessive pressure on the neck joint and the upper spine.
Another frequent postural problem is talking on the mobile which is tucked into the neck - this constantly puts pressure on the neck and back.
As awareness grows within of oneself and one's posture, there will be a reversal of unconscious patterns before more damage is done.

I want to discuss a very simple series of Asanas or Mindful Movements, which done regularly will definitely reduce the stiffness in the major joints of the body.
As always, just like I emphasize in class, do practice them with patience, respect your body's limits, observe the deeper breathing and  learn to cherish this time of Self-Care - Finally, that's what Yoga is all about.. its Self-Care, because all of us are worth it, our bodies are worth it, our minds and our hearts are worth opening!
There's just one very important thing left to do now - practice, practice, practice...

With frequent repetition, old habits and patterns can be replaced with new and healthy ways of moving, standing and sitting.

Yoga Asana Sequence for Restoring Joint Health and Flexibility:

*   Start in a seated position, with palms in prayer position.
* Begin to move into inner awareness, chant "OM' to settle the body and mind to the present  moment.
*  Connect to a deeper breathing pattern, allowing the mind to be conscious of the movement of breath.
*   Begin with gentle Neck Rolls - repeat 5 times.
*   Elbow Rotations - Repeat each side 5 times.
*   Seated Side Stretch - Inhale, stretch right hand above head, hold for 5 breaths, release to center, repeat on other side.
*   Wrist Rotations - Rotate each wrist 8 times, both clockwise and anticlockwise.
*   Passive Stretching of all Fingers - Hold both hands as light fists in front of chest. Inhale, stretch all the fingers out, hold for 10 breaths, release and repeat 3 times.
*   Knee movements - Lengthen both legs in front. Inhale, bend right knee towards the body, hold pose for 8 breaths, release and repeat on other side.
*   Ankle Rotations - Hold right ankle in left hand, gently rotate the ankle clockwise 8 times, repeat anticlockwise movement. Then, repeat movement on left ankle.
*   Passive stretching of Toes - Lengthen both legs in front. Squish all the toes into the feet and slowly lengthen all of them out, hold for 8 breaths, release, repeat this movement 3 times.
*   Simple Standing Toe Stretch - Stand with equal weight on both feet, inhale, lift the heels, balance on the toes, hold for 3 breaths, release. Repeat movement 3 times.
*   Forward / Backward Spinal Bend - Keep feet hip-width apart, keep hands on hips. Inhale deeply, then exhale, slowly bend forward, feel the movement into the lower back and middle back, inhale again, come back to center. Repeat movement 5 times.
*   End your Yoga session with gratitude and humility in your heart to this wonderful practice.

Do remember, the goal here isn't to achieve perfection - rather, it's simply to find your healthiest alignment - one that makes you feel strong and at ease within your skin;
All it asks of you is time, patience and perseverance.

In Peace,

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