Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Joy of Practicing Yoga - A Beautiful description to inspire you to practice today

This is one of my most favorite descriptions about the "Joy Of Practicing Yoga".
It is written by Cynthia Kling, a well-known yoga teacher in US. 
She has described the experience so very well.
This is what I feel and experience every single time I practice or more honestly, this is what I want to feel every single time I practice!
I hope everyone who reads this post is inspired to get back into practice, maybe just a few sun salutations or just breathing deeply, sitting in front of the laptop :))

Joy Of Doing Yoga ---

"I realized that Joy was the real reason I practice Yoga.
During class, the big 'I' disappears; the 'me' who measures her body against the other women in class is unusually quiet; the 'me' who worries about her credit card debt is also quiet, the 'mother' in me lets go of her usual rant; the 'married' me -shush; the 'female' me - shushsh...

The Ego evaporates; the Biography society writes for us disappears..

What is left ?

It's hard to explain, but it feels like my Truest Self, the "I" who could dance with the angels :)

But, you have to face the crows before you can transit to a place of joy. 
And, it does get easier, every time, as you make that journey. You have to shake off the questions, the negative looks, the so-called good advice from everybody and anybody..only then & only then is this journey possible.
We all have different reasons for seeking flow, and we go to different places or choose different things to do. 
No self-help book or other people can tell you what will bring you Joy. 
This is your Journey...

To find it, you have to divine yourself, listen for a particular note, then follow it through the maw of negative voices....
And, when you have gotten there, who and what you have found probably speaks profoundly to who you really are, underneath all the layers which you have on yourself...

That Person Is Definitely Worth Getting To Know !!"

Well, what are you waiting for?
Let's practice, shall we..and shush the voices for a little while longer...

In Peace,
All images are copyright protected

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