Asana Practice for reducing / maintaining healthy blood sugar:
- Start in a comfortable seated position, drawing the length of the spine upwards, leaning shoulders down and bring the palms into prayer position.
- Ujjayi Pranayama Practice - Take deep breaths through the nostrils, exhale out slowly through the nose, making a slight sound at the back of the throat. Repeat this breathing throughout the practice
- Chant ‘OM” 6 times, bringing the mind/body to present moment.
- Start with Neck Rolls – Inhale, look up; Exhale, look down, repeat 6 times.
- Vajrasana with hands on belly - Sit in Vajrasana, place your hands near your belly button, Inhale, sit up tall, exhale and fold forward; repeat 6 times.
- Gomukhasana Spinal Twist - Place right leg over left leg, stack knees above each other; place right hand beside right hip, left hand on right thigh; inhale and lengthen spine; exhale and twist to the right side; hold for 8 breaths and return to center. Repeat with left leg on the right leg and twisting to the left side.
- Ardha Matsyendrasana Spinal Twist - Keep left knee bent and resting on the floor, pull right foot beside left knee; hold right knee with left hand; place right hand beside right hip; inhale, lengthen spine; exhale and twist to right side; hold for 6 breaths and return to center. Repeat on left side.
- Chakki Chalanasana / Rotating Pose - Sit tall, extend both legs in front, flex feet; extend hands in front and interlace fingers; inhale and extend hands to sky; exhale and bend to the right , forming a deep circle 6 times; repeat on other direction too.
- Standing Postures - Standing Twist -
- Stand tall, bring hands in front of chest, form light fists with palms; inhale in center, exhale and twist to right side, repeat all the way to the left side; repeat 6 times to right and left sides.
- Forward Bend - Keep feet apart, place hands on hips; Inhale, then, exhale and bend forward; repeat 6 times.
- Forward Bend with Spinal Twist - Repeat forward bend, keep hands on ground, bend knees; inhale, keep left hand on ground; open right hand to sky; hold for 6 breaths. Next, keep right hand on ground, extend left hand to sky; stay for 6 breaths and release hand down, Repeat with right hand on ground and extend left hand to sky.
- Triangle / Trikonasana - Keep feet apart, turn right foot out, bend right knee, bring hands to shoulder level, inhale, bend to right side, hold pose for 5 breaths; repeat on other side.
- Reverse Trikonasana / Parivratta Trikonasana - Inhale, extend hands to sky; exhale, bend forward, place left hand on right leg, extend right hand to sky; hold for 6 breaths. Release to standing pose. Repeat on other side.
- Bhramari Pranayama - Practice Bhramari Pranayama for 6 breaths. You can do a 2nd cycle.
- Supine Postures - Ardha Pawanamuktasana / Wind-Relieving Pose - Lie down on back, pull right knee in, Inhale ; exhale, come up, trying to touch nose to the knee; repeat 6 times.
- Bridge / Setu Bandhasana - Shift to Bridge Pose, stretch both hands beside your head; inhale, lift hips off the ground, hold for 8 breaths.
- Shavasana / Corpse Pose - it allows your body time to process the information and benefits received from the poses (“asanas”) and breathing exercises (“pranayama”). But the benefits of Savasana are much more than just physical — this pose enhances and renews the body, mind, and spirit. Consciously rest in silence for 8 - 10 minutes.
- Ayurvedic Home Remedies to reduce / maintain healthy blood sugar:
- Bitter Gourd Juice - Peel half a bitter gourd, juice it, sieve it and drink on an empty stomach.
- Fenugreek seeds - Soak 2 tsp of fenugreek seeds overnight, eat them next morning on an empty stomach.
- Indian cinnamon Tea - Boil 1 inch Indian cinnamon ( Dalchinni) piece in water; drink as warm tea.
- Eat 6 raw Curry leaves everyday.
- Eat cabbage stir fry regularly.
- Eat more Millet based dishes; Millet Dosa, Idli.
- Exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight, do more Yoga :)
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