This name seems to be cropping up very regularly in my classes. I used to associate Diabetes with the older generation, but, unfortunately, it feels like it has caught up to my generation pretty fast!
I have been seeing an alarming increase in the number of students who are being diagnosed with this problem. This disease is now showing up in people who are in their 30's or 40's, which is really disturbing.
I do hope that after reading this post. you will be prompted to take better care of yourself, your family members, your co-workers, your neighbors - the list goes on.
Do spread this awareness among everyone whom you touch in your Life, let them know their options for better health.
Do spread this awareness among everyone whom you touch in your Life, let them know their options for better health.
Asana & Pranayama Practice for reducing / maintaining healthy blood sugar:
- Start in a comfortable seated position, drawing the length of the spine upwards, leaning shoulders down and bring the palms into prayer position.
- Chant ‘OM” 6 times, bringing the mind/body to present moment.
- Bhastrika Pranayama Practice - Sit tall, bring hands to sides of body. Take deep, short breaths through the nostrils, exhale out actively through the nose, making a slight sound at the back of the throat. Repeat this breathing for 20 breaths.
- Start with Neck Rolls – Inhale, look up; Exhale, look down, repeat 6 times.
- Vajrasana with hands on belly - Sit in Vajrasana, place your hands near your belly button, Inhale, sit up tall, exhale and fold forward; repeat 6 times.
- Gomukhasana Spinal Twist - Place right leg over left leg, stack knees above each other; place right hand beside right hip, left hand on right thigh; inhale and lengthen spine; exhale and twist to the right side; hold for 8 breaths and return to center. Repeat with left leg on the right leg and twisting to the left side.
- Ardha Matsyendrasana Spinal Twist - Keep left knee bent and resting on the floor, pull right foot beside left knee; hold right knee with left hand; place right hand beside right hip; inhale, lengthen spine; exhale and twist to right side; hold for 6 breaths and return to center. Repeat on left side.
- Chakki Chalanasana / Rotating Pose - Sit tall, extend both legs in front, flex feet; extend hands in front and interlace fingers; inhale and extend hands to sky; exhale and bend to the right , forming a deep circle 6 times; repeat on other direction too.
- Standing Postures - Standing Twist -
- Stand tall, bring hands in front of chest, form light fists with palms; inhale in center, exhale and twist to right side, repeat all the way to the left side; repeat 6 times to right and left sides.
- Forward Bend - Keep feet apart, place hands on hips; Inhale, then, exhale and bend forward; repeat 6 times.
- Forward Bend with Spinal Twist - Repeat forward bend, keep hands on ground, bend knees; inhale, keep left hand on ground; open right hand to sky; hold for 6 breaths. Next, keep right hand on ground, extend left hand to sky; stay for 6 breaths and release hand down, Repeat with right hand on ground and extend left hand to sky.
- Triangle / Trikonasana - Keep feet apart, turn right foot out, bend right knee, bring hands to shoulder level, inhale, bend to right side, hold pose for 5 breaths; repeat on other side.
- Reverse Trikonasana / Parivratta Trikonasana - Inhale, extend hands to sky; exhale, bend forward, place left hand on right leg, extend right hand to sky; hold for 6 breaths. Release to standing pose. Repeat on other side.
- Bhramari Pranayama - Practice Bhramari Pranayama for 8 breaths. You can do a 2nd cycle.
- Supine Postures - Ardha Pawanamuktasana / Wind-Relieving Pose - Lie down on back, pull right knee in, Inhale ; exhale, come up, trying to touch nose to the knee; repeat 6 times.
- Bridge / Setu Bandhasana - Shift to Bridge Pose, stretch both hands beside your head; inhale, lift hips off the ground, hold for 8 breaths.
- Shavasana / Corpse Pose - it allows your body time to process the information and benefits received from the poses (“asanas”) and breathing exercises (“pranayama”). But the benefits of Savasana are much more than just physical — this pose enhances and renews the body, mind, and spirit. Consciously rest in silence for 8 - 10 minutes.
- Ayurvedic Home Remedies to reduce / maintain healthy blood sugar:
- Bitter Gourd Juice - Peel half a bitter gourd, juice it, sieve it and drink on an empty stomach.
- Fenugreek seeds - Soak 2 tsp of fenugreek seeds overnight, eat them next morning on an empty stomach.
- Indian cinnamon Tea - Boil 1 inch Indian cinnamon ( Dalchinni) piece in water; drink as warm tea.
- Eat 6 raw Curry leaves everyday.
- Eat cabbage stir fry regularly.
- Eat more Millet based dishes; Millet Dosa, Idli.
- Exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight, do more Yoga :)
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